We offer a Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS) program and encourage professional patient care staff in their pursuit of this designation. It imparts vital information about brain injury and treatment that can become the next step in career development.
Through ACBIS, CNS also offers the Certified Brain Injury Trainer (CBIST) certification, for those who are interested and qualified, which enables one to prepare others both inside and outside of CNS for the CBIS program.We offer the Brain Injury Fundamentals training program, introduced by the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS). In the 7-12 hour training, non-licensed direct care staff will learn how to address the unique challenges associated with brain injury.
CNS consistently achieves an impressive industry benchmark; it has been designated as a Platinum level ACBIS Alliance Member by the Academy of Certified Brain Injury Specialists (ACBIS) since the earliest possible year (2015). To qualify as an Alliance member, CNS has had exceeded the minimum requirement of 20 percent of its eligible staff being certified as Certified Brain Injury Specialists (CBIS) or Certified Brain Injury Specialist Trainers (CBIST) at the total organization level. To earn this Platinum level of recognition, a company must achieve membership three years in a row.
The national ACBIS Alliance Membership program was launched in 2012 to recognize facilities that have a high level of CBIS-eligible professionals. Thus, by reaching the Platinum Alliance Membership level in 2015, CNS was among the first companies in the United States to achieve this distinguished status.
Keeping informed about safety, privacy, patient care, and clinical treatment is the essence of myNetLearning. This dynamic, interactive education tool is an online, user friendly module of courses offered 24/7 in a secure web environment.
Like other learning management systems, myNetLearning allows you to launch course content which you must study prior to taking an online multiple choice or Yes/No test following the study section. Topics include: Customer Service, Fire and Disaster Plans, CNS Mission/Vision/Core Values, Standards of Conduct, Ethics, Patient Privacy and Safety, Professional Boundaries, and clinical education.
Learn to Earn
This free program is an additional, voluntary training that Neuro Rehabilitation Specialists are eligible for after three months of employment, providing a career path for advancement in CNS. Four levels of training are offered: Rehabilitation Technician, Senior Rehabilitation Technician, Senior Rehabilitation Specialist, and Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS). The program contains sections from the
CBIS training and focuses on helping residential staff to earn the CBIS credential. CBIS is a nationally recognized certification that requires continuing education units (CEUs) to retain its status. CNS offers CEUs throughout the year to enhance skills. Once employees pass each level, they receive wage increases and bonuses.
SEEK Library
Staff Education Enhancement Knowledge (SEEK)
CNS offers a library of training materials available to all employees; topics range from clinical, to managerial and administrative. We also broker other learning opportunities based on staff feedback, allowing employees to earn the credentials needed to provide superb service.
Supporting Clinical Opportunities and Professional Experience
CNS offers the SCOPE program to help employees broaden their skills and capabilities. Basic and advanced learning modules are designed in the following areas: clinical, research, evaluations, presentations, administration, advocacy, and special projects (nonresearch based). SCOPE can link one CNS professional with another to learn about a new field or pursue a special project. For example, a therapist who wants to publish a journal article on their area of expertise can partner with a CNS researcher who would act as a guide and mentor for that project. This mentorship model helps staff achieve new career paths within CNS. SCOPE also offers training to help employees keep abreast of current methodologies and practices. On-site courses have included Introduction to Neurodevelopmental Treatment and classes for speech pathologists and physical and occupational therapists. Staff can also earn the Certified Brain Injury Specialist (CBIS) certification through SCOPE.