Dr. Mark J. Ashley Receives Honorary Sc.D. from his Alma Mater SUNY Geneseo
This weekend Dr. Mark J. Ashley, our founder and CEO, was bestowed a tremendous honor in the form of an honorary Doctor of Science degree by his alma mater, the State University of New York at Geneseo.
In response to this recognition of his extraordinary contributions to the field of brain injury rehabilitation, Dr. Ashley told the graduating class of 2019 that "the best advice [he] ever received was to read outside [his] discipline" which "enabled [CNS] to open clinical doors once thought un-openable for people with acquired brain injury".
CNS is so thrilled by this momentous occasion and tremendous honor from SUNY Geneseo. Congratulations Dr. Ashley! We are so proud and delighted to share in this special occasion with you and your family.