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56% of CNS Patients Return to Work

56% of CNS Patients Return to Work

Research Outcome Reveals That Majority of CNS Patients Treated for a Traumatic Brain Injury Return to Work

In alignment with insurer goals, CNS therapies reduce traumatic brain injury patient deficits and sustain the long term benefits of postacute rehabilitation. This process shortens the claims life cycle as skills learned in treatment help patients reintegrate into meaningful lives and work.

Deficit Reduction Facilitates Workplace Re-entry

Patients in a full-time postacute rehabilitation program were interviewed one year post-discharge.

Centre for Neuro Skills

Follow-up interviews indicated that an aggregate of subjects returned to work. The majority resumed their pre-injury occupation full time and the remaining returned to part time work or a less demanding job post injury.

Centre for Neuro Skills


At discharge, disability levels were lower in all subjects; however, those with better rehabilitative outcomes were more likely to return to work.


Key Takeaway: Investment in rehabilitation is critical in workplace re-entry.

Centre for Neuro Skills

The Power of Employment

Focused on skill building, the subjects’ DRS scores reflect CNS’ emphasis on returning to productivity.

Disability Rating Scale at Follow-Up

Those who have returned to work continue to improve over time, while those who are unemployed at follow-up remain stable, with higher levels of disability.


TBI patients who participated in a full-time, comprehensive, postacute rehabilitation program (n=42) were interviewed by phone at least 1 year post discharge. The mean latency from TBI was 5.12 ± 2.7yrs. Initial GCS scores ranged form 3-15, with the majority of the injuries being considered severe (i.e. ≤8). The primary measures of assessment were as follows: Disability Rating Scale (DRS), Mayo-Portland (MPAI), Neuro-QoL, Supervision Rating Scale (SRS), Brief Test of Adult Cognition by Telephone (BTACT) and an occupational status questionnaire.

Centre for Neuro Skills
Centre for Neuro Skills. Traumatic Brain Injury and Stroke Long Term Outcome. (Identifier number NCT03399929). Trial is active/ongoing. Trial data extracted 1. Jan 2020.