
Bugs are tracked in Phabricator. Перед тем, как сообщать об ошибке, пожалуйста, прочтите инструкцию. Developers primarily prioritize bugs by severity and importance. By adding yourself to the bugs's subscribers you will receive email updates whenever someone makes a change to the ticket or leaves a comment on it.
"Advocating" for bugs, by posting comments on Phabricator that effectively just say "I also want this fixed" or "This is really very important", is discouraged by the developers. It sends notifications to everyone watching the bug (possibly dozens of people or more). Such comments make it more difficult for readers to find useful information within the thread. Posting technical descriptions that may help localise or solve the problem are of course extremely welcome.
Ошибки, связанные с Викискладом
- Phabricator hashtag Commons (Workboard)
- CommonsMetadata
- Управление файлами
- GWToolset
- Мультимедиа
- Multimediaviewer
- Расширение перевода
- Мастер загрузки
- Загрузка
On #wikimedia-commons-tech webchat a bot is reporting changes on commons related bugs.
Смотрите также
- Commons:Bugs/Archive
- Commons:Tools - user-created tools to help improve your Commons experience
- Bug management
- Phabricator (help)
- Прочитайте Часто задаваемые вопросы и ответы на них.
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