Commons:Používání obsahu mimo projekty Wikimedia
There are three ways to reuse content outside Wikimedia:
- downloading the file from Wikimedia Commons, and then either uploading it to a website or using it in print work.
- using the file directly on Wikimedia Commons by "hotlinking" (linking directly to the image URL)
- using the file directly on Wikimedia Commons via "InstantCommons" (a setting within MediaWiki, available on MediaWiki-based websites).
In general, it is recommended to download files for reuse.
Reuse assistance tool

A tool is available to help you reuse files outside Wikimedia Commons, including downloading and creating attribution statements (credit lines).
- a browser other than Internet Explorer (eg Firefox, Chrome, Opera)
- JavaScript enabled
- If you're logged in, Vector or Monobook skin enabled in your Wikimedia Commons user preferences. (Vector is the standard skin – if you've not changed this, your skin is Vector.)
The tool creates buttons above an image (if you're logged in), or to the top right (if not). For details see Help:Gadget-Stockphoto.
Attribution Generator
The Attribution Generator makes it easy to reuse images that have been released under Creative Commons licenses on Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. It is designed to help comply with these license conditions and simplify the re-use of freely licensed images.
Basic method: On each image's file description page, there is a link to the full resolution
version. Right-click this link and choose "Save as..." to download the full resolution file. (If you use a Macintosh computer, hold down the "control" key while clicking the link with the mouse, then choose "Save as....")
Hotlinking je z Wikimedia serverů povolen. Upozorňujeme, že hotlinking miniatur je nespolehlivý, jak jsou generovány a ukládány - měli byste si je nakopírovat na server. Upozorňujeme také, že někdo může změnit, zvandalizovat nebo smazat hotlinkovaný obrázek - na svém serveru budete mít nad obrázkem kontrolu.
U hotlinkovaných souborů je stále dobré uvést autora jako při kopírování na svůj server.
Wikimedia generally does not allow 'hot spider' services, where each time someone performs a search on their site, the query is redirected to our site. Outside reusers should either copy the content one item at a time or contact the Foundation regarding a live feed.
How to hotlink: use the special page Special:FilePath. You can link directly with you can omit the &width=
parameter for the full resolution.
To link to a specific point in a video, users can use start=
and end=
as URL query parameters with the same values as in the normal file syntax, for example .
Od verze MediaWiki 1.13.0 můžete vložit soubory přímo z Wikimedia Commons na své MediaWiki stránky. Tato metoda má mnoho výhod oproti standardnímu hotlinkingu. Podívejte se na mw:Special:MyLanguage/InstantCommons#Configuration pro další technické detaily implementace.
- Nyní můžete vložit obrázky přímo z Wikimedia Commons bez potřeby kopírovat jej na svůj server. Soubor: stránka pro obrázek bude obsahovat všechny informace z Commons.
- Just as on Wikimedia projects, the standard link to the file description page (clicking an image takes you to the file description page) is considered to meet any applicable licensing requirements of providing attribution and a link to the license.
- Note: it is possible to turn off this standard link to the file description page; doing this on files which are not in the public domain will usually break the licensing requirements (of course you can still provide full attribution and license details on the webpage by other means).
Remember that as with hotlinking, when using a Wikimedia Commons image via InstantCommons, any changes (including improvements, vandalism and deletion) will directly affect your website. Consider the pros and cons of this for your intended use.